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V3 Issue 4 - July / August 2002


News from the Editor
Letters to the Editor:
The Marriage Commitment; Concern over young courtship
Homestead Happenings:
Seasons of Life,
by Lori Crank

Parenting Babies
Responsive Mothering - Nurturing Infants,
by Lori Crank
Putting Baby to Sleep
Attachment Parenting Vs. GFI Teachings:
Key Elements of Attachment Parenting;
Key Elements of Babywise Parenting; The Controversy Concerning Gary Ezzo

Approaches to Infant Feeding:
Attachment Parenting Vs. Babywise

Family Health
Health Questions About Milk

Marriage & Child Raising
God's Timing is Always Perfect,
by Vyckie Bennett
Fatherhood Failures & Successes from the Bible
Unresolved Issues From Childhood & Adolescence
Trick or Treat?
What Do We Do About Halloween?

Back to the Basics – Beginning Quilting, Project 3: A Tied Comforter – Part 2:
Completing the Quilt
, by Lori Crank

A Little Family Humor



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Summary of Articles - V3 I4 Parenting Babies

Attachment Parenting Vs. GFI Teachings:  An eight page review of these two major approaches for parenting babies, including the basic elements of each, discussing criticisms and popularity of each approach and offering some conclusions. Also includes a one page commentary on the controversy concerning Gary Ezzo.
Approaches to Infant Feeding: Attachment Parenting Vs. Babywise. A close look at approaches to infant feeding, briefly discussing breast vs. bottle feeding, but mostly focusing on the very different advice from these two sources. Details of On Cue/Demand Feeding & of PDF (Parent Directed Feeding) are reviewed and criticisms of each are considered.
Responsive Mothering - Nurturing Infants, by Lori Crank; Lori shares some of her experiences and views of the role of mothering infants. Putting Baby to Sleep, by David Crank; Memories of putting little grandchildren to sleep. Cherish these times with your little children and grandchildren.
Health Questions About Milk; Some doctors' concerns about consumption of modern cow's milk; Alternatives to "Milk": "Real Milk" (un-pasteurized, un-homogenized, etc.); Goat's milk; Soy Milk; Rice Milk; Conclusions: A Biblical Perspective / Health Issues. God's Timing is Always Perfect, by Vyckie Bennett; God's perfect timing with a birth that first seemed, ill timed, but was perfect in God's plan.
Fatherhood Failures & Successes from the Bible; Looking at about a dozen different fathers in the Bible and what we can learn from their failures and successes.  Unresolved Issues From Childhood & Adolescence; The impact of unresolved issues in your own upbringing upon how you parent your own children. An exhortation to examine yourself, clear your conscience and deal with these issues.
Trick or Treat? What Do We Do About Halloween?;  A look at Halloween, it's customs and history, and a consideration of whether Christians should take part in this celebration. Homestead Happenings: Seasons of Life, by Lori Crank; Greg & Heidi Leaving (season of being near our daughter's family and coming to an end); How You Do It All - Different things in different seasons of life.
Letters to the Editor: The Marriage Commitment (how this article affected a marriage); Grateful for Free Subscription; Concern over Young Courtship (and response).
News from the Editor: Gift Subscriptions to Small Businesses & Libraries; Our Circumstances; In This Issue.
Back to the Basics – Beginning Quilting, by Lori Crank Project 3: A Tied Comforter – Part 2: Completing The Quilt  Recipes